Entries by Sandi Gumeson

Retirement Accounts & Divorce: Why you need a QDRO

QDRO: Qualified Domestic Relations Order A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is the court order required to give notice to a retirement plan administrator that an Alternate Payee is entitled to a portion of the plan. Without a QDRO the plan administrator cannot legally make payments to the Alternate Payee. Retirement plans such as 401(k)’s […]

You Need a Game Plan: 10 strategies to help you during your divorce.

Throughout our experience as Certified Divorce Financial Analysts we have developed a passion for strategic thinking during financial negotiations of divorce. Every case presents different challenges, opportunities and client goals. No two negotiations are the same but we find some financial strategies during divorce important to consider in every case. Here are 10 strategies to help you […]