Divorce Costs how much?
It depends on the situation; for example, if you have substantial or complicated assets your divorce cost may be higher. If you own a small business and take liberties with deducting your personal expenses as business expenses on your taxes your divorce cost will be higher. If you or your spouse have significant separate property claims your divorce cost will be higher. If you cannot have productive and respectful discussions with your spouse your divorce cost will be higher. In our experience the most expensive divorces are fought by two parties who HATE each other for one reason or another. Sadly the legal system is structured in a way leaving these two hateful individuals more angry at the end of the process than they were at the outset. It also depends on the attorney’s hourly rate and if he or she is inclined to encourage a settlement. Hiring the most expensive attorney in town known for being a shark will increase you divorce cost.
Wellspring Divorce Advisors coaches clients to think of their potential divorce cost as a continuum from highest to lowest rather than absolute dollar terms. Click here for a brief overview of your main options from proceeding or call us for an overview and consultation to help you choose. Our experience has shown the engagement with Wellspring Divorce Advisors will reduce your overall cost significantly.
Ranked below are your process options ranked highest to lowest in cost. We have seen litigation cases cost millions of dollars in fees and mediation cases with equivalent amounts of assets done for $15,000.
- Litigation
- Adversarial with Settlement
- Collaborative Divorce
- Mediation
- Pro-Per
Caveat: A failed mediation can easily land you in a litigation model and cost even more. Make sure you understand mediation before opting in. The model is often misunderstood and full of less than reputable professionals.