Entries by Sandi Gumeson

Who Should Move out When a Family Gets Divorced?

The following blog was provided by Joyce Fine, PhD, Licensed Clinical Psychologist, Certified Divorce Coach, Collaborative Divorce Facilitator. Dr Fine specializes in psychotherapy with adults, couples, and families, provides psychological evaluations, and works as a coach with individuals and couples deciding whether or not to divorce or those going through divorce to help them make the best […]

Divorce & Finances: Can you afford your new life?

As Certified Divorce Financial Analysts, Wellspring Divorce Advisors are experts in looking at the entire financial picture during the divorce process. From uncovering and dividing your assets to determining the best course of action moving forward, we help our clients with their finances until the final agreement is signed. One of the most common questions […]

The Final Version of the TCJA: Here’s what you need to know

On Friday, December 15th, 2017 the final version of the legislative text involving the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) was released. This was accompanied by the supporting Conference Committee notes. Here is a summary of how this might affect you in 2018: Executive Summary Income tax brackets Seven total brackets. Top bracket down from […]