Military Divorce Rate on Downward Swing
A recent Rand Corp. study has found a direct correlation between frequency and duration of deployments and the likelihood of a military marriage ending in divorce. Read more at Marine Corps Times web site.
The overall military divorce rate in 2013, as reported by the Department of Defense, through September 30th was 3.4%. Compared to 8% in 2011. The DOD also reports the military divorce rate among enlisted men and women at 3.8% compared to 1.9% for officers.
The slowdown of the Iraq and Afghanistan missions is largely to thank for the downward swing in the military divorce rate as the troops spend less time deployed and more time with their families.
Interestingly the DOD data also reveals the negative effects of deployment having a much greater effect upon families where the woman is the service member. The DOD reports having no clear understanding why this observation was true. Though we can speculate the absence of a wife and mother from the family home may have a greater effect on the strength of a military marriage in the same way it affects civilian marriages. Unfortunately, thanks to social norms men are still less accustomed to running a home alone.
Military divorce comes with special financial circumstances whether the soldier is an officer, an enlisted man or woman or retired from service. The benefits schemes have very complicated financial intricacies from Tri-care eligibility to combat pay, to the Uniformed Services Former Spouse Protection Act (USFPA) to pension benefits to the infamous “10/10” rule.
Wellspring Divorce Advisors has the educated and experienced Divorce Financial Planners to help military families understand these complexities and negotiate around them to reach the most advantageous financial settlement possible.