Entries by Justin Reckers

Dependency Exemption Non-Custodial Parents

The Internal Revenue Service released a memorandum in 2009, clarifying the rules governing non-custodial parent’s ability to claim a dependency exemption for their child. Previously, the Service allowed a non-custodial parent to claim an exemption for a child if the custodial parent signed a written declaration releasing claim to the exemption and the non-custodial parent attached […]

Real World Financial Infidelity – Skimming

What is skimming? Skimming from marital bank accounts is the process of slowly transferring marital assets from joint accounts to a secret account in the name of one person. This version of financial infidelity may be considered outright theft and often requires the assistance of an unrelated third party. Here’s an example of financial infidelity: […]

Financial Infidelity: How do I catch my spouse?

How do I catch financial infidelity? 1. Ask for online access to credit and bank accounts. Download full statements for a representative period of time. We suggest at least six months. If online access is not available, get statements from the mail. Make copies for yourself, preferably electronic copies by scanning. 2. Review transactions and note: […]