What are the Benefits of Divorce Financial Planning?

We will produce powerful case exhibits for you and your attorney in the form of spreadsheets, graphs and tables that simply and completely convey results of our analysis and help you and your attorney:

    • Find hidden and obscure assets and avoid missing something in the settlement
    • Determine income available for Child and Spousal support calculations.
    • Contemplate the risk/reward relationship of various negotiation strategies you may consider pursuing with your attorney

What are Benefits of Divorce Financial Planning?

You will learn about the ramifications of complex subjects such as separate vs. community property, valuing and dividing property, retirement and pensions, spousal and child support, the family residence, tax ramifications and insurance. You will

    • Understand the difference between separate and community property;
    • Understand how personal property, intangible and illiquid assets are valued and divided;
    • Understand Defined Contribution versus Defined Benefit plans versus Deferred Compensation plans and how they are valued and divided;
    • Understand the tax ramifications of Spousal and Child support including recapture and Child Contingency rules;
    • Understand the importance of security for support payments.